
Wednesday 6 January 2010

Leaked email

This was leaked to Lobbydog - an email from whip John Heppell to Hoon after the story broke. See how he mocks Hoon's own email by signing off in the same way.

Dear Geoff

I can only imagine you have taken leave of your senses. God knows what harm you have caused with your indulgence.

I am sure your view is not shared by the majority of the PLP or ordinary party members who you arrogantly assume should have no say in this process.

I am sure there will be no appetite for your proposed distraction and it will disappear as quickly as your credibility.

Yours fraternally

John Heppell

And all as things seemed to be calming down a bit for Gordon.


Oldrightie said...

Whatever the reason for that hoon of hoons action, it is a nice little filip for we oppressed mortals.

Gareth said...

If Heppell is sure the view of H&H is not shared by the majority of the PLP or ordinary party members there is no harm in having the secret ballot. If you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear.

Did ordinary Party members vote for Gordon Brown to be Leader?

Anonymous said...


DRIVEN INTO THE GROUND BY EGO - The working people have the last laugh. sod them all.

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