
Friday 13 November 2009

Humble pie is sweet...

The mistake was highlighted on LD earlier this week...

Hat tip to Acton for getting this up...


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of absolute muppets.

Dean MacKinnon-Thomson said...

I personally hold that the Sun was out of line to attack Brown in this regard.

I think it is vital that every Prime minister writes a personal note to the families of those who heroically die for their country. I understand that heroism is a much-used concept in todays society, but in the context here; of a young man dying for Queen and country; perhaps it is accurate and appropriate.

The Sun has proven that some political support comes at too high a cost, and for me as a Scottish Conservative I am ashamed that the party in England seeks to support us. It is a vile rag, only the gods can tell why 3+ millions regularly buy it day-to-day.

The hypocracy of the Sun honestly frustrates me deeply.


J said...

That is called an apology.

It contrasts with Brown's behaviour, which was to deny ever making a mistake...

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