
Thursday 20 May 2010

That full list of bar bills....

In case you're interested, here is that full list of MPs' bar bills that went unpaid for months. It was published by the Commons Authorities last night.

MPs' Personal Catering Credit Accounts as at 1 September 2009
Sums outstanding for more than 90 days and up to 6 Months as At 1 September 2009

Abbott Diane 154.50 Paid
Amess David 219.67 Paid
Anderson Janet 764.45 Paid
Barker Gregory 310.00 Paid
Bryant Chris 141.20 Paid
Buck Karen 60.44 Paid
Cable Vincent 70.40 Paid
Cameron David 12.80 Paid
Carmichael Alistair 720.15 Paid
Carswell Douglas 258.23 Paid
Cash William 3.65 Paid
Cawsey Ian 103.13 Paid
Chope Christopher 286.18 Paid
Cormack Patrick 422.50 Paid
Crabb Stephen 125.92 Paid
Denham John 37.75 Paid
Dorries Nadine 263.68 Paid
Ellwood Tobias 6.20 Paid
Gillan Cheryl 92.25 Paid
Goodman Helen 225.85 Paid
Grayling Chris 195.05 Paid
Greening Justine 93.88 Paid
Hamilton Fabian 154.50 Paid
Hammond Stephen 35.10 Paid
Harman Harriet 96.15 Paid
Harris Evan 155.50 Paid
Harris Tom 107.25 Paid
Hendrick Mark 71.77 Paid
Hendry Charles 354.93 Paid
Hosie Stewart 49.25 Paid
Hutton John 32.30 Paid
Irranca-Davies Huw 19.50 Paid
Jones Lynne 2.00 Paid
Joyce Eric 125.95 Paid
Keeble Sally 31.70 Paid
Keen Ann 259.40 Paid
Keen Alan 112.40 Paid
Keetch Paul 570.40 Paid
Khan Sadiq 35.65 Paid
Knight Jim 275.23 Paid
Knight Greg 362.91 Paid
Lammy David 319.97 Paid
Leigh Edward 156.53 Paid
Linton Martin 66.75 Paid
Mactaggart Fiona 10.30 Paid
Main Anne 31.88 Paid
McCarthy Kerry 76.55 Paid
McDonagh Siobhain 71.05 Paid
McIsaac Shona 39.55 Paid
McNulty Tony 120.00 Paid
Moran Margaret 2.55 Paid
Mountford Kali 107.00 Paid
Mudie George 7.95 Paid
Robertson Laurence 413.15 Paid
Ryan Joan 62.05 Paid
Salter Martin 184.25 Paid
Shaw Jonathan 413.30 Paid
Sheerman Barry 434.25 Paid
Smith Geraldine 48.05 Paid
Soames Nicholas 10.50 Paid
Tami Mark 19.50 Paid
Vaz Keith 1,729.61 Paid
Wallace Ben 157.00 Paid
Ward Claire 78.05 Paid
Waterson Nigel 18.95 Paid
Watson Tom 496.20 Paid
Younger Ross Richard 19.50 Paid

Sums outstanding for more than 6 Months as At 1 September 2009

Abbott Diane 1.60 Paid
Anderson Janet 364.30 Paid
Cable Vincent 321.55 Paid
Carmichael Alistair 2,483.62 Paid
Carswell Douglas 1,855.46 Paid
Cawsey Ian 2,669.46 Paid
Chope Christopher 283.85 Paid
Cormack Patrick 672.53 Paid
Denham John 2.98 Paid
Dorries Nadine 1,200.69 Paid
Goodman Helen 535.65 Paid
Greening Justine 98.78 Paid
Hall Patrick 689.40 Paid
Harman Harriet 1,035.45 Paid
Harris Evan 6.45 Paid
Heath David 99.75 Paid
Hendrick Mark 193.87 Paid
Hendry Charles 735.15 Paid
Hosie Stewart 400.40 Paid
Hughes Simon 82.55 Paid
Hutton John 93.30 Paid
Irranca-Davies Huw 44.05 Paid
James Sian 302.95 Paid
Joyce Eric 889.30 Paid
Keeble Sally 64.40 Paid
Keen Ann 8.40 Paid
Keetch Paul 3,929.95 Paid
Khan Sadiq 19.20 Paid
Knight Jim 582.30 Paid
Knight Greg 286.56 Paid
Lammy David 733.83 Paid
Linton Martin 1,102.05 Paid
Mahmood Khalid 8,200.60 Paid
Main Anne 8.47 Paid
McCarthy Kerry 121.15 Paid
McDonagh Siobhain 598.00 Paid
McDonnell John 15.55 Paid
McNulty Tony 3.65 Paid
Mountford Kali 1,430.35 Paid
Murphy Jim 260.25 Paid
Ryan Joan 178.35 Paid
Sheerman Barry 1,808.50 Paid
Simpson David 12.90 Paid
Smith Geraldine 128.85 Paid
Tami Mark 763.20 Paid
Wallace Ben 1,381.50 Paid
Watson Tom 843.07 Paid


Old Holborn said...

Tom Watson loves his booze don't he? the fat useless whelk

Anonymous said...

Err...but as they have no money other than what we give em, does that mean I've paid towards all that booze?.....I think it does! So where the hell is my hangover?

Anonymous said...

Mahmood Khalid 8,200.60 Paid


That is a helluva lot of Bolly, even for an MP.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the elders would say about Khalid's bar bill. Surely it is not all alcohol..........

Anonymous said...

Could "name and shame" work sometimes?

Anonymous said...

I thought that trougher Khalid was a Muslim?
That's a lot of lemonade!

Anonymous said...

8 grand of SUBSIDISED food and drink.

In the real world what would that cost ?

Anonymous said...

I rather fear that Khalid spending £8,200 on a bar bill is another example of religious hypocrisy ~ unless this is entirely made up of soft drinks.

What is particularly of note is that this bill is £8,200 worth of 'credit' which remained unpaid for OVER 6 MONTHS!!! I can accept those down on the list for £1.60 unpaid. However, surely you would remember that you had not paid a bill of thousands?

Anonymous said...

Douglas Carswell! Paying his bar bill clearly wasn't part of "The Plan"

Mike Jecks said...

Anonymous has the main point here, guys - the bastards get their booze heavily subsidised. There is no tax on drinks served in the Palace, which is why a pint is significantly less than a pound, whisky less still. We are paying them a large salary, and then they're spending it on booze so that they can get pie-eyed at our expense before wandering into the lobbies to vote under the influence.
All MPs should be breathalized before being allowed to vote.

Unknown said...

This says to me more about the lack of management control and procedures than the MP's themselves. Simple 30 day settlement limit or no more credit. Or even better, do not pay by x date and they cannot use the bars at all. They would soon pay up.
Is there a private club in the land that would demonstrate such a lack of control? Absolutely not!

Unknown said...

Glad to see "irresponsibility" is a big concern Mahmood Khalid ....
From: Theyworkforyou.com
See http://bit.ly/dnInzr
Oral Answers to Questions — Prime Minister: Engagements (11 Feb 2009)
“My constituents are fed up with irresponsibility from the bankers and the mistakes that are costing the country millions....

Anonymous said...

Its ignorance bordering on the criminal to suggest that these people do not have additional incomes. The first name on the list stands out - she gets paid no doubt handsomely by the BBC for instance.

Are these indeed 'bar bills'? I note the heading says 'catering'.

If you want to criticise MPs I would have thought you could find plenty of legitimate complaints instead of inventing them.

Anonymous said...

This misrepresents the facts more than a little. The amounts are not just unpaid 'bar bills' - they will also include catering for events. So for example, if an MP agrees to book a room in parliament for an NGO to hold an event and the event is catered, the costs will appear on the MP's tab. Which may explain the high amounts on some individual accounts. But don't let facts get in the way of a bit of scandal eh?

a j scott said...

Anon 09.47
The scandal is the failure to pay the bills in proper time, not whether they were for alcohol, lemonade or dinner parties. On the last category, I wonder how many of these functions have repaid the MP concerned, before the MP pays the bill?
The other part of the scandal is that this consumption is heavily subsidised.

Anonymous said...

Paul Keetch got through one load of food and booze after his heart scare!

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