
Thursday 8 October 2009

Dominic grief

Dominic Grieve has caused a right old spat after mentioning Derbyshire Police in his speech yesterday.

He suggested that in 2006 the force had refused to release pictures of two fugitive murderers – Jason Croft and Michael Nixon – because it could have impinged on their human rights.

That was also what was initially reported in some national papers at the time, but only until the police came out and said they wanted to, “emphatically point out that the human rights of the individuals in question had no bearing on the decision to withhold the pictures, as misreported in the national media.”

As you can imagine, the cops weren’t that happy after Grieve spoke the flasehood again just to make a political point about how the Human Rights Act is bad.

Stamping their feet booted feet they said they’d, “never refused to release photographs on the grounds of the human rights of offenders!”

1 comment:

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