
Sunday 4 October 2009

You can't keep a good Mandy down

We all know Cameron is really trying to reach out to the middle classes disaffected with New Labour.

But today he hasn’t just “stolen New Labour’s clothes”, he’s actually got in the back door and cleaned out the house.

I say this because of the press release Tories providing 10,000 extra uni places which was thrust into my hand as I entered the media room in Manchester.

You would have thought shadow universities and skills bod David Willetts would have been the key voice quoted in the release.

But instead none-other than Peter Mandelson was the first person to appear.

As Peter Mandelson has said, the release proudly stated, “Britain gains when every person who is capable can get the chance to go to university, get an apprenticeship or a new skill.”

Maybe Mandy has just gone the whole hog and started working for the Tories already.


Oldrightie said...

Nope, Mandy's on his way back to Europe as Phony'd deputy dawg!

Anonymous said...

Mandy is a Tory, always was.

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