
Monday 2 February 2009

BROWN: We'll get through this

By John Lobbydoh
Brown Correspondent

PRIME Minister Gordon Brown insisted Britain would get through devastating snow showers today.

Mr Brown made the comments as paralysis in the capital’s transport system brought London to a standstill.

Addressing Parliament he said: “These are difficult times but we are in a very strong position to deal with this.

“We’ve invested £56m to buy a packet of salt for everyone in Britain, which they’ll be able to wave out in front of them as they walk so dissolving the snow.

“There is also real help for the most needy in the form plastic cards, which we are giving to people so they can scrape their windscreens each morning.

“Finally we’ve set up a task force to look into the cost of buying everyone snow shoes.”

He added: “This is a snow shower that formed over northern Europe and was blown here by unexpected, unpredictable winds.”

Just kidding.


Oldrightie said...

Speaking at a press conference with Chines premier Wen Jiabao, the Prime MInister also promised ministers were doing everything possible to get snowbound services back to normal.

Not kidding after all, were we!

subrosa said...

Surely you're not snowed in down there? We've 4/5 inches of the stuff here and things are just going along fine (buses trains etc). And, I may add, that's in rural Perthshire, not in a city.

Be chances of bad B roads later I expect and it's certainly not a night I want to go travelling, but we haven't ground to a halt at all.

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