
Wednesday 6 May 2009

More cock-up than conspiracy

It was rather fun to watch the lobby correspondents shuffling around to see Hazel Blears’ face at PMQs.

She’d conveniently turned up late enough to not get a full-view position on the front bench, instead tucking herself down the side of the Speaker’s chair – not literally, though she’d probably fit.

Someone close to the Communities Secretary told Lobbydog today that the whole affair over her article was “more cock-up than conspiracy”.

Apparently the Observer called at the end of the working week for an article for the Sunday paper, and one was simply rushed out.

Blears' Youtube line - a play on Thatcher's "you turn if you want to" speech - seemed reasonable at the time, they said, but it was only later that they realised how it had been interpreted.

Do you believe it?


BigBossMan said...

Do I ****.

Anna Raccoon said...

Blears' Youtube line - a play on Thatcher's "you turn if you want to" speech - seemed reasonable at the time, they said, but it was only later that they realised how it had been interpreted.


'Blear's' Youtube line my foot - I know exactly where she got it from - I had this piece up a week beforehand......

"YouTube if you want to, the laddie’s up for gurning"

Oldrightie said...

Smiley model dwarf had a face like a duck's arse in a power dive. Delicious, pass the orange sauce!

subrosa said...

LD I've been asked some questions in my time but this one ...

Andy said...

She reminds me of my old Head of Service at NCC.

Thats not a compliment btw

WB Land said...

I don't know about it.

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