
Wednesday 21 January 2009

Excuses, excuses

I'd expected some Labour MPs to be in the toilet, on unmissable business or unexplainably losing track of time on Thursday afternoon.

Members wishing to avoid publicly supporting Harriet Harman’s plan to exempt details of their expenses from FOI requests could have missed the vote.

But today Brown imposed a three line whip – which means Labour MPs will be obliged to support the proposals.

That's annoying because it gives MPs an excuse to vote for the measure, while off the record saying they were forced to.

Some will have the courage to vote against their party, but are unlikely to criticise their colleagues who don't.

I was shocked when they failed to bring in reform last year, this time I won't be surprised if they toast the measure's passage with champagne bought with tax payers' cash.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Looks like they've bottled it thankfully


gawd knows how they ever thought they could make a public interest case for a measure like that.

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