
Monday 1 June 2009

Greasy haired twat

Without a doubt the story of the day is that of the Lib Dem councillor whose party put out local election campaign leaflets describing an opponent as the above.

The Lib Dems (weren’t they supposed to be the nice party?) claimed it was a joke that backfired.

They said: “What's particularly distressing is that we took the decision to fight a positive campaign."



Conan the Librarian™ said...

Nice new logo Lobbydog.
Getting a bit annoyed at the greasy haired twats, et al?

subrosa said...

Conan, I think he's taken it from his Telegraph colleagues and it isn't any wonder ;)

Lobbydog said...

While many things have been taken from the Telegraph these last weeks, Lobbydog himself is an original. Soon he'll be on T-shirts across the land.

subrosa said...

Wow can't wait LD. Ensure they're made in small/medium for women won't you? These unisex things just never hang properly ;)

brookkelly said...


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