
Monday 1 June 2009

Can we please redact ‘redacted’?

Why do officials have to come up with such ugly, pointless words?

For starters it just sounds awful – redacted – like a type of dinosaur or the noise metal pots make when they fall out of a cupboard.

All it means is blacking words out, so people should just say that.

I guess we can’t expect any better from bureaucrats but journalists should know better. So I’m hereby calling on all hacks to banish the ‘R’ word from all news coverage.


Oldrightie said...

"All it means is blacking words out, so people should just say that."

"Redacted is often used to describe documents from which sensitive information has been expunged."
It is a Labour useage to cover up, hide, lie, cheat, deny FOI etc.

Anonymous said...

Why not just say "censored"?

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